Repair of Inguinal Hernias by Laparascopy

Author Details

Olga Caridad Leon Gonzalez, Pedro Rolando Lopez Rodriguez, Luis Manuel Danta Fundora, Jorge Satorre Rocha, Eduardo Garcia Castillo, Lais Angelica Ceruto Ortiz

Journal Details


Published: 17 July 2019 | Article Type :


Introduction: a series of 78 laparoscopic hernioplasties performed in the General Teaching Hospital “Enrique Cabrera”.

Objective: to determine perioperative events, surgical complications and the evaluation of the pain referred by the operated patients.

Methods: between January 2012 and December 2018, 78 hernioplasties were performed laparoscopic in 60 patients; 18 had bilateral inguinal hernias. He collected the variables: age, sex, type of hernia, perioperative events and complications, and a pain scale was applied. A database was filled andprocessed statistically.

Results: the male sex predominated in a 5:1 ratio, the surgical time average was 53.5 minutes for unilateral hernias and 71.3 minutes for the bilateral ones. The most frequent complication in the transoperative period was bleeding lower in 27.0%, and in the postoperative period the hematoma was in 15.3%, it recurred two hernias (2.5%). At 15 days after surgery, 93.3% of the operated did not complain of pain, but the social and labor reintegration was of only 34% of patients.

Conclusions: laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty is a therapeutic option more, mainly in patients with bilateral and reproduced hernias.

Keywords: laparoscopic hernioplasty, inguinal hernia, hernia recurrence.

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How to Cite


Olga Caridad Leon Gonzalez, Pedro Rolando Lopez Rodriguez, Luis Manuel Danta Fundora, Jorge Satorre Rocha, Eduardo Garcia Castillo, Lais Angelica Ceruto Ortiz. (2019-07-17). "Repair of Inguinal Hernias by Laparascopy." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-5